WElcome to Complete Web Development Course With Jhankar Mahbub, Milstone 2 Practice section. I am Nizam, Student of Programming Hero Course, Batch 07.

Module 09 Practice

Video: 9-1 Simple layout design with CSS flex, media query





Video 9-2: Create Complex Flexbox and gid with media query

Com Com Flex Photo Gallary

Video 9-3 Responsive Flex and Simple CSS grid and media query

Grid Practice




Video 9-4 : Practical Grid area layout and media query

Video 9-5 : (Recap) Media Query and Portfolio Website

Video 9-6 : Make What I do and My Resume section Responsive

Video 9-7 Use Media Query breakpoint for about and contact section

Video 9-8 : Make Header banner section responsive

Video 9-8 : 9-9 Module Summary and Responsive Home work


Q1: How do you access Flexbox properties?

Ans: display:flex;

Q2: What is true for block and inline elements?

Ans: Bt default, block elements span the entir width of their container; inline elements are the same height and width as the content contained between thire tags.

Q3: Select the most appropriate CSS declaration(s) to set an element to absolute positioning in the top right corner.

Ans: position: absolute; top:0;right: 0;

Q4: Which CSS property is used for unstyled anchor text?

Ans: text-decoration: none;

Q5: Which one is not a grid property? (feel free to google it)

Ans: grid-auto-columns

Q6: What does it mean by inline css?

Ans: Apply css inside the html tag

Q7: Which structure is true in terms of using Media Query?

Ans: @media only screen and(max-width:992px){.class{2. 1fr);}}

Q8: Which of the following is the default flex-direction property values?

Ans: row

Q9: What is the purpose of @import in css? (Please google it)

Ans: Import stylesheet into another style sheet

Q10: To increase icon sizes relative to their container, use the ___?___ classes.

Ans: none

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